Fly Control
Fly control is carried out against houseflies, flesh flies, eye gnats and wasps. Flies play a vital role in spreading diseases and epidemics as they come in direct contact with garbage and cause contamination of food. Treatment includes chemical control and trapping.
More than hundred pathogens associated with the house fly may cause disease in humans and animals, including: typhoid, cholera, bacillary dysentery and infantile diarrhea. It is very important to identify the places where the flies have been depositing their eggs. It may be something simple like an uncovered trash can or a bowl of pet food on the patio. However the house fly breeding site could be something that is not obvious. The breeding site must be cleaned up or removed. If the breeding site is not removed, the flies will continue to be a problem.
Fruit Flies
Fruit Flies breed and develop in moist, well-drained sandy soils with abundant organic matter. They can potentially spread organisms that cause diseases. Fruit flies have become more of a problem for humans and domesticated animals as a result of increased agricultural activities, particularly those activities where plant waste is tilled into the soil prior to replanting of fields. Trapping can provide some relief from eye gnats when coupled with the use of repellents. Insecticide treatments to kill larval populations in the soil are ineffective, but drying soils out will reduce egg laying and adult emergence.
Garbage Flies
Like house flies, garbage flies have sponging mouthparts and do not bite or feed on blood. They are, however, strongly attracted to human food and garbage and can make cooking outdoors difficult due to the nuisance they pose. They may be involved in the transmission of disease agents picked up from garbage or animal faeces and subsequently carried to human food. Eradication of larval developmental sites is the most efficient means of control. Household garbage should be placed in plastic garbage bags and sealed. Garbage bags should be removed from the home daily.
We use only water based chemicals which are odourless and very safe to humans. These are manufactured by large Indian as well as Multinational companies like Bayer, Rallis, FMC, etc. Some of the chemicals are as under:
Deltamethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid manufactured in various formulations (including emulsifiable concentrates, wettable powders, granules, and dusts for crack and crevice application) to control a wide variety of indoor and outdoor pests.
Fipronil is one of the newest names on the market for pest control, effective in the elimination of ants, roaches, termites, and other common pests.
Cypermethrin is commonly used as a crack and crevice or spot treatment for residual and contact control of spiders, ants, carpenter ants, scorpions, German cockroaches, ladybugs, carpenter bees, and yellow jackets.
Products with Bifenthrin can be applied in four basic areas. Indoors - including food-handling areas like restaurant kitchens. On and around building exteriors. Plants and shrubs Lawns.
Lambda Cyhalothrin
Lambda-cyhalothrin and other pyrethroids act as powerful poison to the central nervous system. Once poisoned, the insect's nerve cells become excited, causing paralysis and preventing normal feeding and grooming activities.
Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide that kills weeds and is especially effective against perennials. Glyphosate can be sprayed over plants or crops and absorbed through the leaves, injected into the trunks or stumps of trees, or broadcast.